About the company

STARLIGHT COMPANY  (https://singsing.hk,https://myspinel.com)  is a Hong Kong based company involved in imports and exports for variety of precious stones. The company has been in the business of importing, exporting high-quality precious stones and loose gemstones for over 30 years. Through the years we have maintained strong trading relationships with stones buyers from China, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, UK, USA & many other countries.A broad vision and dedication to serve the needs of every consumer has made STARLIGHT is a business with enthusiasm and a mission for quality, eminently our high standards of cut, polish and rough material and deliver high end premium quality to our customers. We provide our customers with top notch care, offer quality with attractive wholesale price. With this thought over the years, we built up features that have exceeded expectations of our customers. 

A Little Introduction
My Spinel

Who we are?

 Although spinel has been used in jewelry since ancient times, this gemstone has only recently received the attention it deserves. Before the rise of modern gemology in the late 19 th and early 20 th centuries, spinel was often identified as corundum, as they are often found in the ruby same mines., as they are often found in the same mines.

雖然尖晶石自古以來就被用於珠寶,但這種寶石直到最近才受到應有的關注。 在 19 世紀末和 20 世紀初現代寶石學興起之前,尖晶石通常被確定為剛玉,因為它們經常出現在紅寶石同一個礦山中,因為它們經常出現在同一個礦山中。

Spinel For
Every Occasion

Spinel is one of the three birthstones of August together with bright green, Peridot, and the oldest birthstone for August, Sardonyx. Spinel is one of the rare gemstones which come in a wealth of colors, from intense red to bluish-green. Spinel is often been mistaken for other gemstones, Ruby being the most common. It is the fourth most durable gemstone with Hardness 8 Mohs just behind Diamond. Ruby, and Sapphire.

尖晶石是八月的三大生辰石之一與亮綠色的橄欖石和最古老的八月生辰石瑪瑙並駕齊驅。 尖晶石是稀有寶石之一,顏色豐富,從深紅色到藍綠色。 尖晶石經常被誤認為是其他寶石,最常見的誤認是紅寶石。 它是第四大最耐用的寶石,硬度為 8 莫氏硬度,僅次於鑽石。 紅寶石,藍寶石。


Customers reviews

What People Say?

I like spinel very much. That is my lucky stone
Financial Adviser
It’s a stunning gift for my loves colour stones – for my love - for birthdays,
Interior Designer
I like colorful stone. I like gems.